The warm summer months are quickly approaching so will the demand for deodorants from the consumers
We now offer a variety of oval and round shape Propel/Repel sticks with fill capacities ranging from 6ml to 75ml. If you have been on the wall on launching a deodorant line or looking for a better supplier, our team will help to streamline the process by offering you our ready-to-make propel/repel sticks.
Though traditionally used as deodorant sticks, our propel/repel sticks are a versatile packaging and can be used for a variety of products—e.g. body/lip balms, sunblock, etc.
Our Propel/Repel sticks are available in PP or AS materials depending on the size and style of the deodorant stick.
Few deodorant sticks may also qualify to add sustainable element by adding PCR to the outer body and cap.
Curious to explore further? Contact us today.